
Winter is here – stay safe

Winter is here – stay safe

Winter can easily turn from chilly to charming when stocked with comfy gear and warm beverages. So, So whether you live in Duluth, MN or Jersey City, NJ, stay safe and keep in mind these tips for the transformation.

1. Au revoir, summer clothes – it’s the right time to pack up the sandals, the airy dresses and bathing suits until next year. They’ll make place for the cozy sweaters, pants, and plenty of socks.

2. Hello again, winter wardrobe – get ready for that first white morning having the winter boots and gloves out of the basement.Woman with disposable cup in warm clothing crossing city street in winter

3. Vitamin D – we mostly get our daily vitamin D through exposure to sunshine, and that’s scarce during winter due to limited daylight hours and covered skin. The recommended dose for adults during winter days is 1000IU.

4. Winter tires – just like your wardrobe, your car has winter needs too. As the weather gets colder, you’ll need to put on winter tires to keep you safer during the snow season.

5. Emergency kit – water, a flashlight, a small shovel, a blanket are just a few essential you’ll need to have ready in your car for just in case.

6. Window insulation – spend a little to save more. A few dollars and few minutes to insulate your windows will save you money on your heating bills.

7. Get a comfy throw – you love the evenings you spend curled up in an armchair with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book; add a cozy blanket and you’re all set.

8. Cold-weather bar – gone are the days of margaritas. Make room for Baileys and peppermint liquor for your chocolate, a nice dark spiced rum and some dry, dark reds.

9. Winter tea – my tea stash always gets low during summer months when I’m not drinking too many hot drinks. Now though is the perfect time to add a few festive teas, like oolongs and black teas.

10. Prepare the fireplace – if you’re one of the lucky ones to have a working fireplace, now would be the time to do a maintenance cleaning done. It will increase efficiency and is the best way to prevent chimney fires.

11. Review your renter’s insurance. Keep your mind at peace by staying insured.