
Why do you need renters insurance?

Why do you need renters insurance?

Quite a few renters believe that the landlord is responsible for the property. When the pipes leak or the sidewalk is cracked, management has to fix it, right?

The truth is, your landlord is not always accountable for mishaps within your apartment or harm done to your guests. You may be held liable under certain conditions. Without renters insurance, you will end up footing repair, medical, and replacement bills–out of pocket.

Couple doing finances

Statistics state that most American’s are living paycheck to paycheck with less than 5% of their earnings in a savings account. That 5% is rarely enough to replace damaged furniture after a flood, destroyed clothing after a fire, or cover medical expenses for a guest harmed in the home. The problem is exacerbated if you’re also accountable for damages to your neighbors’ property. It’s hard to restart your life on 5% or less of your income.

With renters insurance through Resident Shield, you can have peace of mind. Our coverage will help to protect you from financial risks when there are damages to the property.  Renters insurance can also help you replace what you and you neighbors may have lost. In situations where you cannot stay in your apartment due to damages, Resident Shield insurance can provide temporary living expenses to help you get back on your feet and move on with your life.

Resident Shield provides effective coverage at affordable prices. Get a free quote online and learn how you can live with peace of mind today.