
Vacation time! Avoid a break-in with these tips

Vacation time! Avoid a break-in with these tips

Summer is almost here! Time to break away for a week or two of relaxation, maybe even longer if you are lucky. But who will keep an eye on your house, apartment and pets while you are away? Are the possessions in your home protected by renters insurance in case there were to be a break in while you were gone?

The best advice we can offer you for the ultimate security while you’re on vacation is to have a trusted friend or family member serve as a house sitter while you are on vacation. This is ideal especially if you have pets or plants that you want cared for during your absence. Dog boarding can be quite expensive, and most pets are much more comfortable when they are able to stay in their own homes.

If you aren’t able to get a house sitter, take precautions. (Going rate for this service in our area is about $20/day, depending on the number of pets you have and their care requirements, but sometimes you can find a friend who likes your place that might do it for free).

Here are our tips for home safety while you are away on vacation.

  1. Have a neighbor check in. Ask them to turn on lights overnight in the home so it looks like someone is present. Make sure you hold all newspaper deliveries and have your mail stopped at the post office, unless the neighbor has agreed to pick it up each day. Perhaps the helpful neighbor can water your plants , too. Otherwise, give them a good soaking before you leave so they don’t die.
  2. Make sure your windows, door locks and alarm systems are working properly. Thieves can sense when a home is empty, even when you make an effort to have it looked lived in, so make sure you don’t leave windows cracked or easy access points into your garage or storage shed.
  3. Don’t broadcast your plans on social media or to neighbors and acquaintances. It is fine to let close friends know you’ll be out of town, but avoid letting everyone in your neighborhood share the news. This doesn’t mean you don’t trust people, it just means you’re being careful.
  4. Turn off and unplug all electronics before you leave, and be sure to turn your thermostat way down. Just a simple way to save energy and come home to a low utility bill. Happy travels!