
Technology evolves to help keep homes secure

Technology evolves to help keep homes secure

According to the Metropolitan Burglar and Fire Alarm Association (MBFAA), a burglary is committed every 10 seconds in the US; around 13 million homes are burglarized each year. Thankfully, the high-tech world of home surveillance continues to grow and improve.

Consumers in the US and Europe are the most responsive to the newest features and adopt them much faster than in the past. Last year, sales of security systems in the US generated over $4 billion, after a $3.5 billion in 2008, says the Consumer Electronics Association.

One of the latest technologies being researched is the “activity forecasting”; this intelligent software should be able to recognize human activity in security footage as it is being recorded. Based on those, it should have the ability to predict what might occur next and thus help prevent a crime before it takes place.

Home security system

These days the companies that sell home security systems take their gear and improve it by overlaying connectivity features, making possible for owners and renters to lock the door or activate motion detection sensors from afar, should they have to. Some companies offer “interactive solutions” packages, meaning it enables the owners to arm or disarm the security system through a smartphone or other mobile, web-connected device. Moreover, they can receive notifications via email or SMS about any emergency, be it home invasion, fire, etc.

If you’re tech savvy, the future looks safer and more comfortable because the app world is also evolving. We have now apps through which the security of our homes can be monitored remotely. People Power launched in beta-testing Presence, an app that transforms your old iPhone in a remote video camera and audio monitor. The iPhone (or iPad) doesn’t need a cellular or data plan as it communicates over the Wi-Fi network at home and secure servers, streaming video and sound to the new iPhone or iPad, regardless if you’re at home, at work, or on the other side of the world, all you need is 3G or 4G wireless networks. It will be available in the app store at the end of the first quarter of 2013 and an Android version will follow later this year.

Even if you’ve invested in a cutting edge home security system, it’s still a good idea to carry renters insurance to protect and replace your belongings if needed.  No system is ever fail-safe, so have an affordable back-up plan just in case.