
Smart and easy rental upgrades

Smart and easy rental upgrades

Even though rental living is common these days, we tend to assume there isn’t much we can do in a space that’s not our forever home. However, there are things that as renters we can invest in to break from the paralysis of a “temporary living situation,” and these items can come with us to a new home. Here is a short list:

Shower head –  Replacing the standard shower head with a new one can bring more than one benefit: add a touch of style to the bathroom, and if you choose something low-flow, it will save you money on water expenses.

Toilet paper holder – It might seem small and insignificant, but a good-looking toilet paper holder will add class and style to your bathroom.

Toilet seat – The bathroom is an important room in our homes. Toilet seats are not expensive (it can cost as little as $10) and a new one can wipe out all the rental toilet sins: ugly, discolored, uncomfortable, and in some cases even made of cheap plastic.

Window coverings – Curtains are easy to install, but don’t get scared of installing new blinds, shades, or window film to get rid of those mini-blinds that came with the apartment. There is one downside to them—you might not get to re-use them if the windows in your current and future home are of a non-standard size. Be sure to store the rental blinds in a safe and clean place for re-installation when you move out.

Light fixtures – Here is where you should go ahead and be extravagant. Choose the design your heart desires and enjoy the kind of light you want to have in your home.

Light switches and power outlets – Sometimes, the switch plates in rental are ugly colored and old. You can easily replace them with some modern outlets with pretty designs. More so, if you’re into dimmer switches, and your new apartment hasn’t ever seen one, take the matter into your hands and install one.

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