
Seeing UFOs? Better Get That Renters Insurance!

Seeing UFOs? Better Get That Renters Insurance!

In the past month, several unexplained unidentified flying objects have been found worldwide, mainly in North America. As a result, President Biden ordered those unidentified aerial objects to be taken down with abundant caution. So many questions, but it got us thinking that you better be prepared and have your renter’s insurance policy updated just in case we have some foreign invasions this summer.

Always check with your policy to ensure your items are covered before doing something drastic to keep the aliens away, such as:

  • Breaking your favorite priceless vase because you feared alien invaders. However, if the alien slips and falls on your broken vase, it will be covered with personal liability protection.
  • Flooding apartment on purpose because you heard aliens are afraid of water. Only sewer lined caused flooding is covered.
  • Causing a rat or rodent infestation because aliens are afraid of rats.
  • Off frequencies and static TV signals may occur when UFOs approach, messing up your Wi-Fi connections. Turn off the TV in that case, so there is no cause for an explosion.

If aliens come down and invade your apartment building, be sure items of value are stored safely away. In 2021, everyone’s favorite cookie, Oreos, made specially packaged Oreos to offer extraterrestrial entities as a peace offering. Unfortunately, they sold out in three hours, but get creative and make your own offering for the aliens. Oreos even went as far as making an Oreo-designed crop circle in Kansas!

Remember, you are protected from damages and theft if something surprising happens at your residence. You never know how aliens might react to your animals or vice versa. If Snoopy attacks these Martians, you are covered up to $10,000 with animal liability coverage.

Also, additional living expenses are a part of ResidentShield policy, so you will be reimbursed if you suddenly move out temporarily to avoid any dangers from visitors from another planet.

If the aliens decide to stick around and become your new roommates, like in the movie E.T., be sure to add them to your ResidentShield policy. Three additional adults can be covered under one policy. (We aren’t sure how old aliens are or if they are considered adults, so be sure you keep them under close surveillance.)

Unidentified flying objects must park at some point to refuel and rest before returning to their home planet. If the apartment complex requires parking passes, have the aliens check in with the property manager first, so their UFO does not get towed. We all know how expensive a tow truck is, but that’s for a normal-sized car. So, who knows how much a UFO would cost to get back?

If you decide to have a welcome-to-earth party for the aliens with friends, remember that ResidentShield will be there to cover any damages or accidents, but please be mindful of neighbors and noise complaints during quiet hours. Also, you want to avoid ending up like the rascals at Area 51 a few years ago. So always think twice about throwing a party with aliens.

There are still so many unexplained, unanswered happenings on this subject. When a phenomenal cosmic power shows up on your rooftop with a beautiful white light that is sure to be tempting to be abducted by, stay safe and remember to keep that renter’s insurance updated.