
Preparing to file a claim with confidence

Preparing to file a claim with confidence

You don’t want to wait until you come home to a ransacked and empty apartment to know how you would handle an insurance claim. The team at Resident Shield has come up with a few helpful pointers that will encourage a smooth experience when emergency strikes.

Insurance Claim Form

There are a number of things that can be done to prepare yourself for making an insurance claim with confidence. Planning ahead is always the best bet but there are steps that you can take at every phase in the experience that will lead to more favorable results.

Before an incident…

When you are applying for insurance, getting an accurate assessment of your belongings is important in determining the amount of coverage that you will need. It also comes in handy if you need to file a claim later. Create a catalog of the items that you own and their value; you can do this by taking photos and writing the value/date of purchase in their caption boxes or on the back of the image. Store this catalogue in a safe, off-site location.

When you need to file a claim, you will have an advantage when it is time to negotiate with the agent. You will be able to get the most that you can because you have documentation of the amount of recompense that you would like to claim.

Determine if an incident is worth claiming…

Theft is a common example of when a renter must really consider if an incident is worth claiming. If your laptop is stolen, the sense of loss is great: photos that can’t be replaced, business plans and documents that are vital to your operations are all lost. While the sense of loss is significant, the financial loss may not be worth making a claim. If the stolen item is less than your deductible, it simply isn’t worth claiming.

Usher your claim to success.…

Thoroughly document the situation, taking photographs when possible. Create an electronic account of the incident (time of day, what was taken, estimated costs etc.) and email it to yourself. This is important because it is easy to forget and confuse details over time and you will want to form a solid case with the insurance representative.

Keep track of your receipts regarding the incident. Some repairs, hotel accommodations and other expenditures may be covered.

It is important to stay on top of your file; help the insurer help you. Submit needed documentation in a timely manner, completed in its entirety. If you have a question, do not guess—ask. It is better to fill out forms correctly than to have to repeat them and prolong the process.

As always, check in with your insurer to ensure that you have completed your obligations to permit the easy filing of your claim.