The merry month of May has arrived, and what better way to feel the season than to do some DIY spring home decorating? Let’s explore some fresh ideas to brighten any mood. Aesthetically Appealing. Design a seasonal centerpiece for your…
Blog (page 5)
Zero-Waste Living for a Sustainable Household
A zero-waste lifestyle is a powerful way to reduce environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable planet. Here are some doable pointers to help you embrace zero-waste living in your household. Reduce and Reuse. Reduce single-use plastics and swap…
Eco-friendly Living for a Greener Lifestyle
Green is good! Going green for the planet is excellent, but going green for yourself is even better. Let’s explore some eco-friendly ways of living to have a greener lifestyle. Sustainable shopping. Support local farmer’s markets and artisans as much…
April Showers: Indoor Activities for All
April showers bring May flowers! The rhyme was made long ago, but it still rings true. When the first April spring shower touches down, get wet and splash around in the puddles to bring some inner child joy. After making…
Spring Clean Your Routine
Spring is in full bloom in most parts of the country, which might bring on spring allergies for many. Don’t add to them with toxins inside your home and body. Let’s explore some spring cleaning to do for your health…
Make it Green Festivities for March
March is here, and the earth is waking up with blooms starting to bud and clovers covering the ground. Maybe not for some in the country’s northern half, but green is popping up everywhere regardless of the weather. Let’s explore…
Interior Design Advice: Best and Worst IKEA Bargains
IKEA is a favorite among most, known for its low prices and DIY products. However, it’s not always reliable for everything. Here’s what to get and what to skip next time you find yourself shopping there. Best deals at IKEA:…
Cozy, Warm and Welcoming: Hygge Home Ideas
Hygge (pronounced Hoo-gah) is a Danish word that describes a cozy, contented mood evoked by comfort and togetherness. Hygge has exploded in popularity worldwide and perhaps explains why the Danes are some of the happiest people in the world! In…
You Can Buy Yourself Flowers: Self-Love this Valentine’s Day
In the words of now Grammy-winner superstar Miley Cyrus, “I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand.” If you haven’t heard the song yet, do yourself a favor and listen to it this Valentine’s Day, especially those…
The Scents of February
The longest month of the year is over, and the groundhog didn’t see his shadow, which means early Spring for all! Before Spring embraces us with warm sunshine, February is still here and longer since it is a leap year.…