Knowing when to take on a task yourself could be the difference between success and danger.
Thinking about saving money on a DIY project? Congratulations on being brave and creative. But before you take the plunge, consider which projects are best for DIY and which are best left to professionals.
As a renter, your lease will provide guidelines for the types of changes that you can make to the property. If anything is unclear or unspecified, check with your management office or landlord before moving forward.
For the following projects, you will likely need professional assistance.
Removing or altering load-bearing walls. If you don’t know how to determine a load-bearing wall, you likely shouldn’t make structural changes to the property at all. If you can identify such structures, it is still a good idea to seek professional consultation to ensure that the changes you’re making won’t adversely affect electrical, plumbing, and other systems throughout the unit.
Disconnecting or rerouting plumbing. If your kitchen or bathroom renovation requires a change in plumbing, invest in the guidance of a contractor. Most renters insurance plans do not cover flood damage when things go awry.
Altering existing electrical installations. Mounting your flat screen TV and surround sound system was a pain but one thing made it easy: you knew that if it wasn’t a brand new wire or cable, you didn’t need to mess with it. When that saying is no longer true, you’ll want the expertise of an electrician to help you navigate safely through the mire of wires. The older the home, the more care must be taken to make sure that safety codes are followed.
Correcting foundation issues. Fixing the quarter-thick cracks in the basement isn’t a matter of concrete mix and a spatula. While those may correct the issue aesthetically, you’ve done nothing to address the major issue at hand. Contact a contractor to keep the problem from getting worse and placing your family and the property at risk.