
Keep Annoying Pests Away

Keep Annoying Pests Away

The air is warmer, the sun is out, and BBQs are blazing. Summertime is near, but so are the bugs. Some bugs, like butterflies and fireflies, are fun to watch, but most are invasive and annoying. Here are some effective solutions to keep the unwanted pests away, and you can get back to enjoying the warm summer breeze and that tropical cocktail.

If you are a property owner, be sure to seal all gaps. When looking for all potential ways, pests might sneak in, watch out for small, unsealing cracks where electrical lines and pipes enter. Bugs, mice and other pests love these small gaps, so caulk them closed or use expanding foam insulation to deny entry.

Summertime is the best to get together with friends and have a cookout or BBQ outside. However, those annoying mosquitoes like to come around as well. Throw some fresh rosemary or basil on the coals to keep mosquitoes away. Most fresh herbs will keep mosquitoes away, but the best are rosemary, basil, catnip, lavender, marigolds and peppermint. If flies are the annoying bug at your BBQ, try basil and lavender to keep them away.

Ants certainly are annoying unwanted pests. Ants leave a trail, making it easier for other ants from the colony to find their way to food. To wash away the trail, use a natural solution that won’t harm dogs and cats. Make a natural solution with white vinegar, water, and ten drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to help eliminate house pests. Another way to keep ants away is to use some cornmeal. They will take it back to their colony but can’t digest it. It might take a few days to work, but this is another nontoxic solution in case you have pets.

We’ve all been there with annoying fruit flies. I remember one year living in Dallas, TX. There was an influx of fruit flies that year. Every single restaurant, bar and grocery store had fruit flies everywhere. Stop those pesky fruit flies from invading your kitchen with a small bowl of apple cider vinegar covered with plastic wrap and punch a couple of pencil-lead-sized holes in the plastic. The fruit flies will be attracted to the vinegar and can get in but not out. Apple cider vinegar will also work with wasps.

Make dust mite-repellent spray with essential oils. Mix eucalyptus, lavender, clove or peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. Use it to mist furniture and linens, allowing the spray to air dry. It might smell so good that you’ll want to cleanse yourself!

In the wet soils of spring, slugs can decimate young seedlings and early fruits overnight. While some slugs are not all bad in the garden since some produce natural fertilizer, they are still quite annoying. However, there are ways to deal with them so you can still have robust plants and maintain a healthy ecosystem. First, clear out garden beds, then add some coffee grounds or eggshells to repel these suckers from the garden.

Remember, not all bugs are bad, and many provide food to songbirds and wildlife. Always report any infestations to property management if renting and know ResidentShield renter’s insurance will be there with liability and personal property coverage.