
Houston disaster illustrates importance of renters insurance

Houston disaster illustrates importance of renters insurance

A tragedy last August in which 24 apartments were destroyed in an apartment complex fire illustrates the need to always have an emergency preparedness plan and to have renters insurance for your personal and possession protection.

fire in apartment complex

When looking for apartments in any city, be sure to check on important features that any complex should have like smoke alarms both within the unit and in the external complex hallways, automatic sprinklers that would go off in the event of a fire, readily available fire extinguishers (you should also have one within your apartment, and in your car), an emergency evacuation plan, and an alternate route if the path you were to attempt was blocked for any reason.

Most apartments are equipped with all of these things, as mandated by city and state safety standards.

If you were to survive a fire at your apartment, how would you go about replacing all your prized possessions, acquired over your lifetime? Be sure your belongings are covered with renters insurance. It has a low premium per month, is valuated based on what you own, and will make sure that everything you owned could be replaced in the event of an unexpected emergency.

Renters insurance will also compensate you for your losses if your home is burglarized. Claims are easy to make and typically acted upon in expedient fashion. If someone were to break into your house while you were at work today, what would you do? If you had insurance from Resident Shield, the first call you’d make after the police would be to your helpful claim representative. They’d help you get back on your feet in no time.