
Holiday Saving Tips

Holiday Saving Tips

The holidays are here—time for parties, gift exchanges, and baking all the cookies for Santa. The holidays are a time for joy with loved ones, but unfortunately, they can add stress to your life. Instead of breaking the bank trying to buy everyone lavish gifts and decorating your place like Clark Griswold, here are some tips to save the dollars and still have a fantastic holiday season:

First off, the most common expense for everyone is buying gifts. Who doesn’t love to spoil their loved ones? Gifting does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. Get creative. People love homemade gifts. While baking Santa cookies, bake some extra for your friends and neighbors. If you have a large family, try making it more of a secret Santa gift exchange and only buy for one sibling. That way, you can focus on a more significant gift for them instead of rushing around trying to buy for all. Or you can try buying gifts for the children instead of the adults. You can also send homemade holiday cards with pictures of your family or friends. Consider doing good deeds instead of giving gifts. Experiences are a lot more memorable than a candle. Remember, it is more of the thought that counts over the gift, anyway.

When it comes to decorations, again, think more creatively. You do not need to have a Christmas tree in every room. One simple Christmas tree decorated with ornaments that you purchase at a bargain store will be enough. Nobody will know the difference. You can even grab some free natural decorations just outside. Grab some pinecones, pine or birch tree branches, acorns, and holly berries, and arrange a beautiful display for your fireplace or kitchen table. Oranges and cinnamon sticks also make great décor. If you have some cloves, you can make a fun design, such as a star with them inserted into an orange or lemon, which will smell amazing. You can take some cinnamon sticks and make a star out of them for the top of the tree. Also, stringing some popcorn to make garland works as well. Get creative and think outside the box.

Holiday parties can be too much if you have a more dynamic work environment. Remember, you can say yes to only some events. If your husband or wife has multiple parties planned, check in with yourself and what your body tells you. You do not have to buy another outfit just for one party. Nobody will remember if you wore the same boots last year. If you are going to an ugly Christmas sweater party, go to a thrift store, cut up some tinsel and old ornaments, and glue them on the sweater. You do not need to purchase an expensive sweater to ruin it with tacky decorations.

Lastly, while renters insurance technically does mean spending extra, it does save you in the long run. Those presents you just bought online just got stolen; renters insurance will be there to cover your costs. Resident Shield offers protection in case of fire, theft, vandalism, and personal liability. Now that is a money saver!