
Health and Wellness Goals for a New Year

Health and Wellness Goals for a New Year

Starting the new year is always nice to start with new health and wellness goals. With trends like “Dry January,” society feels obligated to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. So, let’s explore some healthy habits to incorporate into 2023.

Goal setting is not about perfection but consistency and being reasonable. If you start too fast and hard, you will eventually burn out and return to unhealthy habits. Instead, believe in yourself and set boundaries for those who might not understand why you are making these changes. The people who care about you will ultimately support and value your decisions. Create a vision board of your goals for the year ahead and start each morning envisioning that board as it already came true.  

Think of what motivates you. Motivation is critical to making goals come true. So, what is the motive of this goal? Try this exercise by saying your plan, then transition with “so I can” and end with why you want that goal accomplished. For example, “I want to lose 30 pounds ‘so I can’ look and feel healthier”. Then, start repeating that over out loud and even write it out. This exercise will motivate you to keep going other than just stating that you want to lose weight. Add this written out to your vision board and let it continue so you can dig even deeper “so I can be a better role model to my children.”

Keeping mental health strong is challenging, especially with social media only showing the smoke and mirrors of society. Try taking some time each day to block out the internet and meditate. Music is one of life’s pleasures. Music, in general, induces serotonin which affects one’s mood instantly. Create a mindset, gratitude, and intention-setting playlist. Use this playlist daily while looking at your vision board. This will catapult those dreams and goals by setting intentions with the music. Taking care of mental health impacts spiritual well-being using techniques like meditation, breathwork, and gratitude practice.

If being physically fit, losing weight, and exercising are a part of your 2023 goals, remember that it is not a race but a marathon. Pacing yourself, in the beginning will help create more of a longer-lasting result. Micro workouts or “exercise snacks” are on the rise. They remove the time barrier to exercise, which is a significant factor in the growing popularity of this wellness trend. This bite-size, low-intensity format makes it easier to squeeze movement into more moments throughout the day. For example, include a morning dance while listening to your intention-setting playlist, try a quick set of push-ups and squats before lunch, and an evening yoga session to help wind down and de-stress. These short takes on fitness add up to significant results and are a delightfully fun way to get moving. Remember to stay consistent for the countless benefits for your health.

Healthy eating habits are essential to a healthy life. But don’t beat yourself up if you have a couple of glasses of wine or two cookies at the end of the workweek. Moderation is key. Work on only having one cheat meal a week. That way, you are not going completely cold turkey. Healthy snacking throughout the day helps curve cravings at night. Nuts and seeds, nut butter, apples, guacamole (without the tortilla chips), hummus, and protein-enriched foods are great options. Get creative and make a healthy charcuterie board of fruits, veggies, dips, and crackers. If sweets are your downfall, make protein cookies, sweet potato brownies, or smoothie bowls. If you have that craving at night, drink a glass of water, then see if you still want that snack.

Adaptogens affect your energy and well-being. For example, eating dark chocolate can improve your mood. Capitalize this by incorporating ingredients that can positively impact your body’s response to stressors. Another example is adding turmeric to a smoothie or soup to reduce inflammation. Mushroom coffee is also on the rise, which blends mushroom extract and ground coffee beans to help reduce stress and inflammation.

Remember to go easy on yourself; small steps make considerable progress. Then, if all else fails, grab your dog and dance!