
Have a safe, not scary, Halloween

Have a safe, not scary, Halloween

Making your home safe for trick-or-treaters is essential around Halloween. Last year around this time we posted an article in which we summarized some of the most common (and unfortunate) scenarios that can result in a really scary Halloween and how having renter’s insurance can cover you.

Accidents can happen while kids are on your property. In this case, you (and they) are covered under the “liability caused by others on your property” claim. The only exception are food-related illnesses, such as peanut or dairy allergies, caused by homemade candy or sweets. To avoid this, it’s better to stick to candy bought from the store. Nevertheless, common pranks are usually not worth being solved via your insurance.shutterstock_221186917

Safe Halloween Check List

This year, especially for those of you who don’t have an insurance to give you peace of mind during the holidays, we’ve prepared a few tips via Home Safety Center so that you can hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Feel free to use the following as a check list before the little characters start ringing your bell.

  • Park your car inside your garage. You don’t want any scratches or for your vehicle to turn into a Picasso canvas.
  • Check your smoke alarms.
  • Make sure your driveway and walkway is clean. Accidents can happen even when sliding on extra leaves. Generally speaking, try to keep decorations where they cannot be tripped on.
  • Use LED-lit candles for safety.
  • Turn off your alarm (if you have one) while trick-or-treaters come and go and turn it back when you go to bed.
  • Put your pets in a room away from the front door.
  • Remove decorations from sidewalks, so that kids won’t trip on them.
  • Turn on outside lights.

For those of you who do have renter’s insurance, it’s always best to take a picture of your yard after decorations are set in place so that if property damage happens, you’ll have proof of how everything looked before. Have a safe and fun evening!