Polar vortexes, snow-ins and mittens are finally behind us and we’re all itching for our summer shorts and grills. With fabulous vacations, weekend football tournaments and updated summer wardrobes on the horizon, here si ways you can save money for the most unforgettable summer ever.
- Don’t forget about insulation. We know how much energy improper insulation can waste. But just because it’s summer and your heating bills aren’t stacking up, it doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep an eye out for energy wastes. With the truly melting temperatures some parts of the country get in the summer months, make sure all your windows and doors close properly. Any nooks and cracks that allow heat to creep into your apartment are only making your AC work in overdrive and cost quickly rise.
- If you’re apartment gets plenty of sunshine (we’re all jealous, by the way), consider getting some black-out shades. They’re an easy and inexpensive way to save a lot on electricity, especially if you’re gone most of the day. Pull them in areas that get morning and midday sun and turn your AC down for some unexpectedly simple savings on your electrical bill.
- While we all agree that air-conditioning is basically the best thing since sliced bread, as the old adage goes, too much of a good thing can hurt. This is especially true for over-exposure to air conditioning, which can cause everything from mild headaches to allergies and sinus complications that require surgery –yikes! Only run you AC, when it’s truly necessary. If the temperatures aren’t quite wilting, skip the AC altogether or just turn on a fan in the room you’re in. If possible, skip the AC and fans during the night and throw your windows open for the night air to cool you r apartment down.
- Ignore your dryer, as its one of the most power-hungry appliances in your house. Opt for air drying on your patio, balcony or even on fold-down rack in a corner of your living room. Not only does it save big bucks on your bills, but air-drying doesn’t damage your clothes at all, unlike a dryer. As an added bonus air drying gives your clothes a freshness unmatched by any fabric softener.
- You know all those advantages of air-drying clothing? The same applies to you hair. In the hot summer months even the longest hair takes very little time to dry on its own, so skip that hair dryer for healthier locks and lower bills.
- Let’s not forget about the biggest money-saver of them all – renters insurance. While it adds some extra costs, which clock in at a meager 50 cents per day, renters insurance can save your bank account in the long term. With thunder storms, high winds, and vacation break-ins, Resident Shield has your back, giving you full replacement value for your personal property and that of your neighbors.