
Apartment Hunting Tips

Apartment Hunting Tips

2023 is almost here and you are starting to think about what the next year will unfold for you. Chances are you will be moving this year, especially if you signed a one-year or six-month lease agreement.

As much as everyone dreads moving day, you must first establish where you will be moving. As inflation keeps increasing so do apartment rents. Just remember to breathe and do your homework and you will find the best place that’s perfect for you.

Here are some apartment-hunting best practices:

First off, notify your network that you are looking for a new place. Friends, social media, professional colleagues, and neighbors are great resources. You’ll likely get a hot tip when something becomes available. You might even get wind of a vacancy opening before it’s even on the market giving you first dibs.

Next, cut off the middleman. Looking for an apartment doesn’t need to be complicated with real estate brokers or agents. The RentCafe apartment search engine is a great way to find the perfect apartment. You can filter the search from price ranges, pet-friendly apartments, and many other amenities you may want. You can also change the radius of the search in case you don’t want to be too far away from the office or airport.

If you find an apartment you like, you can start applying directly for the apartment on the RentCafe site. RentCafe also offers an app for both Apple and Android users which can then be used to pay rent, view your ResidentShield renter’s insurance policy, request maintenance, and more.

Speaking of amenities, make sure you know yourself and what you want out of an apartment. Most of the time is location. Make sure you route how far away the office is for work and other favorite places. Maybe you want to move into a mixed-use building since there is a coffee shop and dry cleaners conveniently located in the same building. If you have smaller kids or pets, maybe you want to make sure there is a park close by.

Always make sure you check out the pet policies with what pets are allowed and weight limits. Other amenities might be central air conditioning and heat, washer/dryer connections, off-the-street parking, and more. All of these can be filtered on RentCafe.

Next, you need to make sure you test everything when going on an apartment tour. Test the water pressure in the shower. Lean outside the window and listen for street noise and noisy neighbors. Measure the doors to make sure your furniture will fit. Scan the ceiling for any water spots. If the apartment offers a balcony or patio, make sure you test the sliding screen doors. Talk to the doorman or neighbors about the building and anything else to watch out for. The more digging you do, the less surprised you will be once committed to the lease.

Lastly, make sure you know how and when to negotiate. Negotiation with rent can seem like a bold strategy, but it cannot hurt to try. The best time to discuss potential concessions is after you are approved, but before you sign the lease. If you are willing to dip into your savings, propose prepaying a few months in exchange for a lower monthly rate. Do not just focus on dollar signs either, things like the length of the lease term or access to amenities are also fair game for negotiation. Maybe you want a cheaper reserved parking spot if you extended the lease term. Or would like to add on a cleaning service the building offers in exchange for a cheaper rate. Get creative with your negotiating and be confident but not arrogant.

Hope this advice helps when you look for your next apartment and remember to always have renters’ insurance added so you are always protected from theft, fires, floods, and more.