
7 reasons why young adults need renters insurance

7 reasons why young adults need renters insurance

While renters insurance is suitable for all renters, the benefits are especially relevant for young adults. 80 million Echo Boomers, Americans ages 17-31, are sweeping up rentals across the nation. It’s important for this group to pick up renters insurance along the way. Here’s why:

1)      Echo Boomers comprise a significant demographic of renters. Some young adults prefer apartments and condos, others seek single family properties. Rentals come in all shapes and sizes but each is susceptible to a range of misfortunes. Renters insurance protects all sorts of rentals, offing Echo Boomers the protection that they need to live with peace of mind.

2)      Young adults lead the pack in costly electronics consumption. Many of us outfit our lives with tablets, smartphones, computers, home entertainment systems and more. Insuring these items can ensure their replacement in cases of theft or destruction.

3)      The young crowd is known for social activities. Holiday gatherings, book clubs, gaming parties and other social events pack our calendars. Renters insurance protects guests while they are on your property, so that you can entertain with comfort and assurance.

4)      Ready, set, travel! Echo Boomers are frequent travelers, scooping up online deals and hitting the road. Travel leaves our homes and possessions unguarded. Renters insurance offers retribution for goods that are stolen or damaged by inclement weather when we’re away.

couple moving

5)      Young adults have recently left the nest and are establishing our place in the world. That means that we may encounter our first fried turkey for Thanksgiving, host our first Super Bowl barbecue, and plenty of other milestones. Without experience to back us up, young adults are more susceptible to accidents. Protect yourself, your guest, and your property from acts of mayhem with the proper insurance.

6)      Many young adults are just starting our careers, meaning that our financial cushioning is thin at best. The funds needed to replace valuables and cover emergency medical expenses may not be on hand when we need it. Renters insurance helps minimize the financial impact of losses and injuries.

7)      When misfortune strikes, everyone needs an advocate. The staff at Resident Shield is on hand 24/7 when you need to report a claim. They can help answer questions and guide you on the path back to normalcy.