
Falling into Autumn

Falling into Autumn

The crisp morning air is the first sign of autumn. Then you notice the lively greens drift into reds, browns and yellows; meshutterstock_307344791smerized, you sometimes forget to take an umbrella with you. There’s a certain energy about it, uniquely satisfying every year, inviting to go for walks in the fairytale-like landscape, visit thrift shops and fly markets for long forgotten treasures. But most appealing remains wrapping yourself up in your coziest knitwear, hot chocolate in one hand and a good book in the other. There’s a specific atmosphere, which once brought inside your home, makes it really difficult for you to leave the house.

Everyone has their own yearly home rituals and the beginning of fall is just the right time for such an activity. Here’s a list of potential concerns you and your landlord should look into, and while that’s being handled, bring autumn inside your home by applying some if not all of the suggestions below.

The time of throw blankets and layered rugs — one of the easiest ways to add warmth to a room, without changing furniture or the color scheme, is to simply add a few wool throw blankets and layered area rugs. The decorative pillows play an important role here, too.

The time of apple cider and mulled wines — each season with its drinks, once autumn starts settling, there’s this intense craving for red wines, ciders and hot chocolate with just a hint of cinnamon.

The time of pumpkins, gourds and pine cones — the options to create warm and visually appealing displays are endless. Collect some natural resources, add a few candles, arrange them in wooden boxes and crates, plates, platters or trays and place them around your home. That warm glow created by the candle light will make your home feel comfortable and warm.

The time of flannel bedding — beds are among the easiest things to change for the seasons. By flipping the mattress and replacing the white duvets with cozier fabrics and warmer textures, you’ll be all set for the cold months that follow.

The time of vanilla and cinnamon scents — perfume is more than just some misty fragrance, it’s an extra layer of clothing, invisible to the naked eye, but without which one feels naked. The same applies to homes, so give your home the right kind of treatment by using scented candles or homemade scents, but if you’re feeling hungry too, kill two birds with one stone by baking some amazing autumn foods such as pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, apple pies or pretty much anything with cinnamon; your apartment will smell just like the season.

The time of fireplaces — the lucky ones who have this kind of amenity in their homes, better start with it, as nothing is as welcoming on a cool day as the inviting warmth and glow from a crackling fireplace. A working fireplace will pull the entire room together. I would call it the perfect accessory, offering a visual aestethic, a personal touch and the ultimate in comfort.

Let the peace inside your home be inside yourself as well by reviewing your renters insurance policy to make sure you’ve got everything under control. And have a cup of something warm, it’s the season!