
Watching out for apartment crime

Watching out for apartment crime

You don’t need a formal neighborhood watch program in place at your apartment complex in order to keep your eyes open for criminal behavior. There are plenty of telltale signs of crime you may see around your home that shouldn’t go unreported.

Here are some things to look out for:

-Suspicious guests. If you see people at your apartment complex who you don’t recognize as residents, try to determine who they are visiting and that they have a direct relationship with the tenants. If you never see the guests and tenants together, be concerned.

Vehicle burglar

-“Visitors” when you know an apartment is unoccupied. If your neighbor has gone on vacation for two weeks and suddenly there are people in and out of her home, be concerned.

-Inappropriate use of community amenities. If laundry facilities, community gathering spaces like game rooms or business centers, or gyms and pool areas are being used by non-residents on a regular basis, it’s a legitimate concern.

-People who appear to be living in vehicles in your apartment community. If your apartment complex parking area is ungated, keep an eye open for residential vehicles that don’t seem to be connected to any of your neighbors’ homes.

-Homeless residents in the apartment complex. If they aren’t pass through or visiting a resident, notify your property manager or local law enforcement.

-Unattended children. Though usually unintentional, unmonitored children can be a source of crime and mischief during the summer months. If your neighbors are letting their kids roam unsupervised around your complex, express your concerns to their parents.

Can you think of any other red flags for apartment crime? Don’t be caught unaware – make sure your renters’ insurance policy is up to date should your apartment suffer a break-in.