
Easy checklist to prepare your rental for fall

Easy checklist to prepare your rental for fall

As summer draws to a close, renters can take a few simple steps to prepare their homes for fall and keep emergencies at bay.

Prepare you place for fall weather

Transition to cooler weather months with ease thanks to a few simple preparation tips. This checklist takes preventative measures against water damage, mold, utility inefficiency and more.


  • In preparation for chilly nights around the fireplace, be sure to test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Be sure that there is a smoke alarm in any room with a fireplace and a carbon monoxide detector in the room near your furnace.
  • Consider having your furnace inspected and maintained for optimal performance and efficiency. Rates for furnace repairs are lower in warmer months, so rev up your unit and check for problems early to save money.
  • Check both extremes of your home, the attic and the basement. Check the attic for any signs of leakage (easier after a moderate rainfall) and have them repaired immediately. There is no such thing as a small leak! Next, head to the basement and ensure that all windows and doors are sealed properly against water to prevent leaks. Also check the area around your hot water heater for condensation or leaks.
  • Weather stripping doors can help with climate control and lowering utility bills.
  • If your basement feels damp, invest in a dehumidifier. Ridding the air of unwanted humidity can prevent mold and other moisture problems that can become costly if unchecked.


  • Do yourself a favor and clean your gutters now, especially if you haven’t cleaned them since last fall. The new onslaught of rain water, fallen leaves, and snow will put additional strain on your gutter system which is a recipe for disaster. Cleaning your gutters can also protect your home from leaks, floors, and foundation damage.
  • If you are responsible for landscaping on the rental property, it’s a good idea to aerate and fertilize the lawn in the late summer or early fall before frost sets in. The fertilizer will help to nourish your grass, keeping it hearty and strong for the cooler months. If you notice bald patches in the lawn, go ahead and place seeds down with the fertilizer.
  • Bad news: cold weather does not kill weeds permanently (if at all). It’s a good idea to take advantage of the cooler weather to pull the weeds from your yard. This will prevent a larger and more daunting infestation next year.