
The Great Outdoors: Guide for Summer Fun

The Great Outdoors: Guide for Summer Fun

Oh, the great outdoors! Summer is a time of adventure and rejuvenation, whether embarking on a solo journey, enjoying quality time with family, or exploring with a partner. Outdoor activities have immense healing benefits, and in this guide, we’ll delve into some of the most exciting attractions and activities for summer fun.

Preparation is paramount. Before embarking on any outdoor adventure, ensuring you’re equipped with all the necessary gear is crucial. Whether it’s hiking gear like boots, backpacks, hydration systems, trekking poles, navigation tools, or camping essentials like tents, sleeping bags and pads, portable stoves, and camp furniture, having the right gear is a must. For water sports enthusiasts, consider buying or renting kayaks, paddleboards, snorkeling gear, and life jackets. And don’t forget a waterproof bag to protect your phone, keys, and other non-waterproof items. Cyclists gear up with helmets, hydration packs, bike repair kits, and protection gear. Always wear quick-dry clothing, layers for different weather conditions, hats, sunglasses, and insect repellent. Tech gadgets like GPS devices, portable chargers, weather radios, and headlamps can also enhance your outdoor experience.

Weekend getaways. If you’re planning a quick weekend getaway, there are numerous options. Destination trips include visiting nearby parks, nature reserves, scenic towns, and natural attractions. All of these are brimming with activities such as hiking, biking, swimming, and sightseeing. Look into accommodations and places to stay, such as campgrounds, cabins or cozy lodges. Plan the trip with an itinerary covering must-see sights and activities. And here’s a tip: local insights can make your trip more enjoyable and unique. Insider tips from locals or previous visitors can add a layer of excitement to your adventure.

Survivor skills. Always practice safety first! When building a fire in different conditions, use various methods such as matches, fire starters and friction. Always have a navigation plan because you do not want to end up like the Blair Witch Project! Bring a map and compass if devices are not working or the battery life runs out. ALWAYS have a first aid kit! Include band-aids and gauze in all sizes, adhesive tape, splints and antiseptic wipes. Before heading out, investigate how to treat common outdoor injuries. Use methods to purify water in the wild, including filtration, boiling and chemical treatments. Know what mushrooms, berries, and plants are edible if you forage for food.

Do it for the ‘Gram. For those looking to get outside for good photo opts, consider certain times of the day for the best photos. Golden hours (sunrise and sunset) capture stunning images. Photograph action shots like fast-moving wildlife or people in motion. Landscape photography is always beautiful in natural lighting and finding unique perspectives. Macro-photography can capture close-up details of nature, including flowers, mushrooms, insects and textures. Gear up with suitable outdoor equipment, including lenses, tripods and protective cases. Finally, outdoor photos can be enhanced using software or mobile apps when editing them.

Chef it up. Release your inner Bobby Flay when camping and cook up some delicious recipes! Before heading out, make a meal plan and prep as much as possible at home. Read about safely and efficiently cooking over a campfire using portable stoves. Breakfast can include a campfire skillet hash, pancake mix in a bottle and breakfast burritos. Lunch and snacks can be easy, portable options such as protein bars/shakes, sandwiches, trail mix and fruit kebabs. For dinner, try some one-pot meals, foil packet dinners, grilled meats and vegetables or Dutch oven recipes. Finally, for desserts, have a spin on traditional S’mores and make them with foods other than traditional graham crackers and chocolate.

It’s all about the stars. Stargazing and nighttime adventures are enthralling when camping overnight since you are most likely far away from light pollution. Learn about constellations, planets and meteor showers observed in the summer months. Be sure to have some equipment, such as a telescope, binoculars, star maps, and apps like NightSky to identify celestial bodies. If going on a night hike, know how to navigate in the dark since some trails may be particularly scenic at night. Capture stunning night sky photos with various camera settings, equipment and composition. You might even be lucky to capture the Northern Lights soon again!