
You Can Buy Yourself Flowers: Self-Love this Valentine’s Day

You Can Buy Yourself Flowers: Self-Love this Valentine’s Day

In the words of now Grammy-winner superstar Miley Cyrus, “I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand.” If you haven’t heard the song yet, do yourself a favor and listen to it this Valentine’s Day, especially those who are single. For those dreading this holiday, here are some tips for self-love and self-care so you can treat yourself like the queen or king you are this holiday.

Self-love Aromatherapy. Valentine’s Day is a great time to treat yourself to an all-over spa day. Whether you make an appointment at a spa or do your spa at home, this is a form of self-care. The body needs time to rest and replenish. Massage therapy melts the stress away, which your body will thank you for! If a massage is not in the budget, get some aromatherapy candles, oils and bubble baths and create your own spa. Add some fresh roses and rose petals to the bath, grab that rubber duck and turn on some relaxing music. If a bath isn’t possible, try taking a long hot shower and imagine the water spraying down on you as golden glitter that radiates you all over from the inside out. Shower fizzers work like bath bombs but in the shower, giving you that same aromatherapy feeling. Enjoy the glow up!

Leisure Activities. Self-care looks different to everyone. Some may enjoy solitude with a good book or listening to their favorite podcast. Some may want to watch their comfort show repeatedly because they know what to expect, and those characters make them happy. Find joy in these small things and unwind by indulging a little extra this holiday.

Furrrever Love. Let’s face it: dogs and cats make everyone feel good! Dogs, especially, are there for their owners in times of sorrow and sadness. If you own a pet, make Valentine’s Day about them since they ultimately are your FURever love! Make some special treats for them and buy a new heart toy they can destroy while you scream, “Love sucks!” They’ll enjoy the fun of destroying the heart, and it will also give you some fun. If you do not own a dog or cat, now is a perfect time to adopt! If unable to, try fostering an animal for a bit, especially if you have a lonely heart. However, some may not be animal people, so that plants can offer a different type of self-care. Most inside plants are known to clean the air and will bring in a sense of nature inside, providing stability. Peace Lilies and snake plants are great additions to the home and are low maintenance, even if you don’t have a green thumb. Although plants might not last forever, with love and care, they can last awhile.

Somatic Exercises. Somatic exercises are performing movement for the sake of movement. Self-care also includes caring for your physical and mental health. In addition to massages, the body needs some exercise. Yoga and Pilates are excellent exercises to start. Start with a few YouTube videos for beginners. Throughout the exercise, focus on your inner experience as you move and expand your internal awareness. Some more somatic exercises include grounding, stretching, dancing, breathwork, body scans and walking. Nature walks are a great way to get fresh air and soak up some vitamin D. AllTrails app gives you all types of local trail hikes and will rank them from easy to very hard. It is built-in with a GPS, so you don’t get lost, and it has several reviews so you can decide if this is the hike for you. Plus, you can add filters that tickle your fancy, such as scenic hikes or rock climbing, to lakes and waterfalls. Document what you see along the hike, from mushrooms and flowers to wildlife and birds. If walking on the beach, like Miley says, “write your own name in the sand” because you are your first and most crucial love on this planet!

Be at service. Get a jump start on spring cleaning and donate clothes, books or whatever else is no longer serving you. A cluttered house makes a cluttered mind, and with Spring coming up, everyone will benefit from a fresh start and space. Donate items to a local nonprofit or charitable organization. Volunteering is another excellent way of self-care. It shows humility, and when you take time to care for others who are less fortunate, you are then more grateful for what you have. Volunteering time to even a friend or family member who has been going through a hard time shows love and gratitude. A grateful heart is a happy heart!

So, take the time this Valentine’s Day and love yourself. You deserve it!