
NO Spend November

NO Spend November

The holidays are here, but have no fear about money spending this year. Here are some NO spend November activities to do this month so you can save for Black Friday Christmas gift shopping.

Cozy up with your favorite warm beverage and recharge with a duvet day. Everyone can use self-care for mental health, so stay in and pamper yourself with relaxing music, bubble baths and candles. Maybe a new podcast is highly recommended that you’ve wanted to listen to or binge-watch your favorite or latest series on TV. Try a simmer pot for something different other than a candle. I make a gratitude pot every year around this time to honor my father with cranberries for positivity, cinnamon for love, cloves for prosperity, sunflowers for happiness, apples for protection, rosemary for cleansing, thyme for renewal, and bay leaves for gratitude. Boil the ingredients, then turn to a low simmer for a magical, cozy feeling all day.

Keep up with your physical health and do a free workout video on YouTube, such as Zumba or Yoga. There might even be some holiday-themed workouts and some to keep that Thanksgiving dinner off the thighs. Exercise will help keep your mental health firm, releasing endorphins and keeping you in a holly jolly mood.

Learn a new hobby or craft, such as scrapbooking, or learn how to origami and make cute handmade decorations for Christmas. There are several online videos on origami, which is simple enough using printer paper.

Staying at home can sometimes feel too cabin feverish. Wrap up warm and meet a friend for a crisp nature walk. As the northern hemisphere turns to winter, wildlife is gathering what it can to stay warm, so you most likely will see some chipmunks, deer and squirrels on your journey. Time for the walk to enjoy a pretty sunrise or sunset. The golden hour comes early now, so enjoy it when you can. If you are more of a night owl, get outside at night and star gaze. You might even catch some shooting stars or comets if you’re lucky! However, if the weather isn’t ideal for outdoor adventures, visit a free museum or exhibition. Support local artists since many cities have free concerts or arts and crafts festivals. Find your local library to stock up on some cozy winter-themed books.

Host or attend a bonfire with friends. That is if you live somewhere that can accommodate a bonfire and are not under any fire warning. Some cities may have a free fireworks display and parades to kick off the holidays.

November is an excellent time to declutter. Think of it as Fall cleaning instead of Spring. Incorporate some feng shui by harmonizing the energy flow. Get rid of everything that is no longer serving your highest good. Clearing space can invite magic into your life. What better time to clear away the old than before you invite and receive the new next month?  If you don’t want to part with those Harry Potter books, but they are taking up space, have a book swap with friends. This invites new energy in, and knowledge is power!

Revel in the dark depths of the season and remember to keep renters’ insurance updated at this time of year so any accidents caused by fires, spills, or falls are covered!