
View from your window

View from your window

A popular Facebook group has caught the attention of over two million members, a group called View from YOUR window. Viewing groves of trees or unique buildings can be an inspiration for many. Let’s discover further how daydreaming outside the window is good for mental health and the various views people experience worldwide.

In a post-pandemic world, many are now working from home. When setting up an at-home office, make it a space with a window nearby. Natural light is better than bright fluorescent lights. This will allow you to take small breaks from the computer screen(s) and gaze outside at whatever scene you are surrounded by. If you are in the suburbs or rural areas, there’s a good chance there are some natural views. With nature, of course, comes songbirds, chipmunks, deer, or other animals that may pop in from time to time, especially in the early mornings. I always love to feed birds in the morning and listen to their pretty songs thanking me for the rest of the day. Did you know that if you take a break and go outside or even gaze at a grove of trees, you can improve focus? Thus giving you a therapeutic effect on the mind. At the same time, looking at urban scenes can induce mental fatigue. If you live by the water, gazing out by the beach will offer the same benefits as gazing at trees. You might have different animals surrounding you, such as dolphins or pelicans, unless you are on the bayou and see alligators or herons.

Those living or working in big cities such as Chicago, New York City or San Fransico have a different view from their windows. When entering most corporate offices, there are few windows and less natural lighting. It’s best to remember to take some breaks and take a quick walk outside to give the mind a break. Of course, big cities offer grand views of city skylines and unique buildings, many with rooftops. Especially if you have a view of the Eiffel Tower or the Golden Gate Bridge while working. Sunrises and sunsets are best when the sun is just behind the buildings. The full moon is also a sight when it rises above tall skyscrapers. If you live in a big city but don’t happen to have a great view since you are next to other buildings, change your mindset and enjoy your morning beverage and watch the households wake up and come to life. People-watching can be fun; just don’t become a creeper watching your neighbors too much. Those who travel a lot for work tend to have a view outside an airplane window. Catching the sun rising or setting from above the clouds is always spectacular. If you travel at night, flying over big cities such as Las Vegas offers a neat scene because you fly from darkness to bright Vegas lights and then back to the dark.

The view from your window makes significant changes throughout the seasons as well. Springtime will offer that fresh breath of life awakening. Bright greens flourish throughout, and all the springtime flowers bloom like tulips, daffodils and cherry tree blossoms. The colors are incredible and offer a breath of fresh air. Then, in the summer months, kids are out of school, filling the neighborhoods with laughter, and summer gardens start to peak. Deer, rabbits, and other animals are seen enjoying all that summer offers. The Autumn is like a second spring. Where spring is the rebirth, fall is the death and shows us that even death can be beautiful. Fall leaves fill the air with yellow, red and orange colors, and a touch of serenity takes over the soul. Finally, the winter magic comes alive with the powdery snow-covered rooftops and trees. Snow bunnies and owls appear, and if you are lucky, you might even catch Santa on his sleigh with his reindeer.

Enjoy the view from your window!