
With Gratitude: All Things Are Possible

With Gratitude: All Things Are Possible

September 21 is World Gratitude Day, but do we need a day to celebrate gratitude? When you have an attitude of gratitude, your life will be full of positive outcomes. Fostering a culture of gratitude in the workplace and your personal life is essential. Cultivating gratitude can lead to greater empathy, compassion and social responsibility. Let’s delve into the science behind gratitude and some techniques to boost gratitude more.

Gratitude is a catalyst for positive change in life. Gratitude has many psychological benefits, such as increased happiness, reduced stress, improved self-esteem and enhanced overall well-being. Scientifically, gratitude has been proven to positively affect the brain by releasing good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. And who doesn’t want to have a brain full of happiness?

Remember, life has a way of kicking you when you are happiest. Life is full of those yin and yang moments. Incorporate gratitude techniques into your daily routines to help with those dark moments. The simple phrase, “Thank you,” goes a long way. Start every morning, before getting out of bed or reaching for your phone, say thank you three times. Journaling is a beautiful way to express gratitude. Start a journal and list everything you are grateful for, then read it daily, and if time allows, read your journal entries aloud each morning.

In the workplace, recognize the achievements of others. Celebrating other people’s victories gives you opportunities for professional development. Share success stories so others can be inspired. Even if it was a small win, still celebrate. The smaller wins are easier to achieve and will bring out positive reinforcement. However, stay humble so you don’t get too big of an ego or have others feel less about themselves. See the silver lining in sticky situations that occur. Make lemonade out of lemons and ask yourself, what can I learn from this? If you are stuck in a state of uncertainty, ask yourself, “Does this brighter possibility exist in the field of infinite possibilities? The answer is yes. Of course, it does! In every situation, there is opportunity.

Perform random acts of kindness. When you feel good, share it as much as you can. Smiles are contagious, so the next time you run errands, flash a smile to a stranger. Hugs are another great way to express gratitude towards the people you love. Fun fact! If you both raise your left arm and go in for a hug, your hearts will meet, and for 20 seconds, your neurotransmitters will release all good feelings.

Gratitude affirmations and quotes can help bring inner personal gratitude. Radical self-love can be applied to all areas of life, but our relationship with the body is where many struggle the most. Embracing good feelings towards your body can take time, but body-positive affirmations can help significantly. Such as, “I am thankful for my body and its appearance,” “Seeing my reflection makes me smile and feel happy,” and “I wholeheartedly accept myself the way I am.” Once you start repeating these affirmations, you will begin to have more gratitude and can be an inspiration to others. Your body is always listening, so never talk negatively about it. This also is applied in other areas of life. What you resist will persist—journal positive affirmations and quotes to refer to when you feel down. Another way to incorporate daily affirmations is to use them for the passwords you type daily.

Gratitude connects positive change-makers in the world. Individuals who are grateful for their privileges may be more motivated to act and help those less fortunate. Join and donate to a cause that speaks to you. Donating helps us live in gratitude because we are supporting worthwhile causes. If money is too hard to provide, take the time to volunteer. The most selfless thing a person can do is volunteer to help somewhere and not receive payment. Gather some coworkers and do a clean-up event at a park or beach or serve lunch at a local soup kitchen or shelter.

Practicing gratitude is a process. But remember, practice makes perfect, and soon, you won’t even notice it because gratitude will be a part of your lifestyle. So, keep the PMAs flowing (Positive. Mental. Attitude.) and be grateful!