
Pay it Forward

Pay it Forward

The concept of Pay it Forward encourages us to pay it forward by showing kindness to others, preferably strangers, in hopes they do the same and so on, ultimately leading to a selfless ripple of kindness. I’ll never forget being in the Starbucks coffee drive-thru line, and this happened to me. I felt so overly joyful that I just had to do the same (hoping the car behind me didn’t get a truck full of coffees).

Every day we face several opportunities to spread kindness in the littlest ways, even though we often do not recognize it. That unexpected, nice thing someone does for you, like paying for your coffee or giving you a warm hug, is what we are encouraged to pay forward to others.

Here are some activities to pay it forward in your everyday life.

Perform a random act of kindness. Kindness is key. Imagine what the world would be like if we were all just a little bit kinder to each other. Try doing one to three random acts of kindness to spark or continue the chain reaction. Start by paying for someone’s coffee or food or leaving a gas gift card at the gas pump. This encourages everyone to be kinder to total strangers, and this collective effort goes a long way to creating a global impact on humanity. While at home, write a note to your significant other and list the things you love about them. Write some love notes on Post-it notes around the house or take a dry-erase marker and leave some kind messages on the bathroom mirror in the morning.

Give a random compliment. Spread kindness in the slightest way possible. One of the most thoughtful ways to do this is by paying someone an unexpected compliment. Receiving spontaneous, kind praise can go a long way to changing a person’s mood and putting a smile on their face. This is a selfless act of kindness because a stranger will most likely be unable to repay you. It costs nothing, takes no time, and you could make someone’s day. Complimenting someone is a healthy affirmation for you too. Smiling also goes a long way. Try smiling at five random strangers and see if you notice a difference throughout the day. Remember, what goes around, comes around.

Sign up for volunteer work.  One of the most selfless things a person can do is volunteer to help somewhere and not receive payment. This also gives the receivers of such kindness no option but to pay your service forward. Take out some time to volunteer at your local community center or shelter. If you work in an office, get the team together to volunteer. Host a clean-up party at a park or beach. Make it fun by doing a scavenger hunt while you are there.

Remember to be kind to yourself as well. When you hear that discouraging voice in your head, tell yourself something positive immediately. Keep that positive mental attitude, and you are bound to feel better. You deserve kindness too!