
Seasonal Depression? Get Out of the Gloom

Seasonal Depression? Get Out of the Gloom

Does the winter gloom get you down? Many experience difficulty waking up in the morning, daytime fatigue, eating more carbohydrates, and feeling a severe season of depression and sadness, otherwise referred to as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Here are some coping tips to help you get through the last few weeks of winter.

The days are shorter, and the nights are longer. Many people get SAD due to a lack of sunlight. Light therapy boxes can be a solution. Light boxes are designed to deliver a therapeutic dose of bright light to treat symptoms of SAD. You also will want to reduce the amount of blue light intake. Evening light exposure from a computer, smart device, or video display can make it difficult to fall asleep unless the blue emission is blocked. Limiting screen time to at least an hour before bedtime will help.

Speaking of bedtime, sleeping habits can be interrupted in the winter season. However, a regular sleep pattern should be everyone’s objective, depressed or not. The issue for people experiencing SAD is increased sleep hours than usual in the spring and summer. Unfortunately, the extra sleep does not provide extra daytime energy and will lead to afternoon fatigue.

A typical decline in vitamin D levels in the winter can lead to vitamin D deficiency. However, a multivitamin might not be enough vitamin D, so an increase can help. Of course, talk to your doctors before increasing more supplements.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are great options for those suffering from SAD. “When it comes to SAD in particular, essential oils could potentially influence the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling moods and the body’s internal clock that influences sleep and appetite,” says Dr. Kalayjian in a Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. Unfortunately, evidence of essential oils is limited, but it could be a simple and safe way to improve mental health.

After trying all the above, the best thing to do sometimes is to get busy! When you keep active, your mind will focus on that, and you won’t have time to feel depressed. So why not get a jump start on that spring cleaning? Having a clean and organized space is a tremendous mental health boost. If you are moving this year, organize what will be moved and what will be thrown away. Finally, add some more exercise to your life. Micro workouts with a quick pushup and crunch set will stimulate your heart rate and endorphins.

This is also a great time to renew and review your renter’s insurance for the year. Take all the steps to ensure you have everything you need to be covered.

Remember that the winter season does not last forever. The rebirth of Spring and the sun’s return will come soon enough to warm your soul and bring that positive light you are craving.