
Summer safety tips

Summer safety tips

Summer is just about here and it’s one of the nicest times of the year to be outside, enjoy the company of friends and family, and enjoy your life and your home. But summer can also be a time when accidents happen, so exercise caution and follow these home safety tips to have your best summer yet.

BBQ at your apartment

BBQ and outdoor fire pit safety: Use extreme caution when having an outdoor fire in your backyard. Never leave open grills or flames unattended. Be sure to check on food cooking on a BBQ frequently so it doesn’t burn or catch fire. Watch out for children if you are using a communal apartment BBQ , even if they are not your kids. Be sure to fully extinguish all flames and embers after cooking is complete.

Theft and vacations: Home robberies frequently see an uptick in the summer because thieves prey on people who are on vacation or out of town. Take precautions:  hire a house sitter, ask your neighbor to watch your apartment, and don’t leave obvious signs that you are gone (trash cans sitting on the curb, newspapers in the driveway, etc.)

Children, pets and pools: If your apartment has a swimming pool without lifeguard oversight, exercise caution in the pool area. Children should not be playing there unattended,  even if they know how to swim, and adults shouldn’t use the pool or hot tub while drinking or after drinking alcohol. Exercise the same caution at local lakes and the beach.

Drive safely: There are more drivers on the road in the summer, especially on major holiday weekends like the Fourth of July, Memorial Day and Labor Day. Exercise extra care and caution while on the road so you can return home safely. If you see a drunk or careless driver, call 911 and report them.