
4 tips to maintain mental health

4 tips to maintain mental health

More than a year into the pandemic, signs are pointing in the right direction as vaccines are offering hope for a close-to-normal summer. Even so, the repercussions of prolonged isolation and heightened uncertainties have been felt by most. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year it seems more important than ever to take a moment and reflect on our thoughts and feelings.

According to the latest CDC data, between August 2020 and February 2021, the percentage of adults experiencing signs of anxiety or a depressive disorder increased from 36.4 percent to 41.5 percent, with numbers even more worrying for adults aged 18 to 29.

With sitting inside still encouraged in many parts of the U.S., our surroundings can be a big source of either stress or calm. As a renter, choosing renters insurance could help decrease the anxiety of things going wrong in the apartment. Making sure the costs of repair or replacements are covered in case of accidents, could help reduce stress and make your rental feel more like a home.

Here’s a short list of other small things you can do to improve your mental health while not leaving your apartment:

  1. Invite friends and family over—According to CDC guidelines, fully vaccinated people can gather indoors. Seeing loved ones in person after so much time will have a positive impact on your mental well-being. In this situation, renters insurance will help protect you from liability in case someone is injured while in your home, making the reunion all that much enjoyable.
  2. Take a break from screens—As many offices across the country remain closed, the great majority of employees are still working from home. Jumping from Zoom call to Zoom call and endlessly reading e-mails has made most people inseparable from their work laptops. Coupled with the many personal devices people use to keep informed, the overexposure has left plenty of users exhausted. Choosing a day to take a break from your screens, could help calm your mind and recharge your energy.
  3. Reach out to someone you think might be struggling—This month is be the best time to make sure your loved ones are doing well, so give them a call and reassure them they’re not alone.
  4. Seek help if you feel the need—Telemedicine is among the few good things that come out of the pandemic. Seeking the advice of a mental health specialist online is now easier and more accessible than ever.