
Have yourself a safe, stylish autumn

Have yourself a safe, stylish autumn

Colorful autumn is in the backyard, rolling in the grass and playing with the trees; leaves are turning rich and the days will soon become crisp. You can already smell cinnamon and baked apples, and the fireplaces are heating the homes with stories. Fall is an amazing season that can bring a lot of joy; however, for a carefree autumn, some preparations are needed.


Although it’s not as popular as the spring cleaning, it is as important. During summer vacations and easy sunny days we tend to accumulate things; now it is high time to find their place as well as their seasonal utility, because remember, you need more space for those extra blankets and the bulky clothes to keep you warm. Selecting and putting away all the summer clothes and reorganizing the closets will help you prepare for fall; the stars of the next two seasons are blankets and sweaters.

Lazy days ahead

Yes, exactly those days, when you wake up and see outside the windows a thick, milky mist that smells of hot chocolate, that you’ll prepare for yourself while curling up by the fire. As temperature chills, you tend to spend more time indoors. Throw pillows and fluffy blankets delimit your preferred areas, and the rugs on the floor give the coziest feeling. Add some velvet fabrics in deep shades (reds, yellows, oranges, and browns) and autumn can start its rains.

TIP: Consider investing in two sets of home goods: spring/summer and fall/winter goods, this way they need longer before getting that “used and abused” look.

Image via Pinterest

Seasonal decoration

Over ten years in rentals taught me that lights are pivotal in designing interiors without spending too much (plus, once you leave, you can take them with you). Designers recommend at least five sources of lights in a room, in different locations, on different levels, and if possible, with dimmers. Lights can really add depth and layers to a room; just some yellow-tinted bulbs will change dramatically the air in the room casting their warm light. Add a reading lamp by a sofa and your evenings will be too few for your growing bookshelves.

Probably during summer you covered your windows with opaque curtains to block the heat. Now is the time to replace them with light, sheer curtains to optimize sunlight. And if you own a terrace or balcony, clean it and do a little outdoor decorating. A scarecrow or pumpkin outside your door or on the terrace will put a smile on your face as you return from work.

Stylish means `worry free’, so go through your documents and check your renters insurance. And go make yourself a cup of chocolate with just a hint of cinnamon, or pour yourself a glass of Cabernet to celebrate this second spring of the year.